Ways To Help Your Child's Distress During Back-to-School

Returning back to school might provide additional difficulties for our kids. It’s a parent's responsibility to help them cope with the stress and anxiety.

Have you ever had a bad conversation with your children? When you try to compliment them, do they become offended? Or when you wish to know about your child's day, instead of conversing, they bite your head off or become quiet and gloomy.

The way you communicate might be the problem.

In today’s episode, we will talk about how we can communicate effectively with our children and the 4 ways to help our children with the distress caused by the new phase of back to school.

4 Ways To Help Your Child In Distress

As this school year begins, provide your child support as they adjust to the stress, and the new phase. Here are some tips that parents can do to help our kids adjust to this new school year.

  • Listen with full attention instead of half listening.

Kids catch up more of our energy. They know if we are attentive to them or not, and it helps them feel they are in a safe space when we are showing our full attention.

  • Acknowledge their feelings.

Rather than asking questions or offering advice, acknowledge their feelings.

  • Help them identify their feelings.

Respect their experience. Help them name their emotions rather than deny them.

  • Acknowledging them with fantasy or wishes

When we give children logical justification for the things they want, they often object. They will be more receptive if you include some humor or fantasy in your explanation rather than a logical one.

Imagine Your Child's Experience From Their Point Of View

We can appreciate how our children see the world when we see it through their eyes. Perceive what is going on around them. We can imagine how our children must feel if we put ourselves in their shoes. Confusion, grief, frustration, or anger are all possibilities. It simply asks us to comprehend and value what our child is going through.

Ways To Build Connection

You can connect with your child by sharing your own experiences and also by telling them how you are making plans. Make preparations with your child to keep them safe.


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