How To Connect With Your Children On A Deeper Level Without Them Pushing You Away?

As our kids grow, they develop their own uniqueness at the same time they create their own space, their own views, and characteristics, so they are more influenced by their peers, their surroundings, or devices. It gets a little harder for us parents to get into their space.

What if they allow you to be part of that space?

In today’s episode, we’ll talk about “The Human Design”, a tool that will help you connect with yourself and your kids. Your kids will allow you to be part of their own space at the same time they will develop into the person they dream of being, not the person society tells them to be.

What is Human Design?

According to Jenna Zoe, “The Human Design” is a roadmap on how to live your life. Our soul came into this world with a plan to live a spectacular life and human design is that roadmap. It helps you live the spectacular life that you're meant to live.

It's the same as, what works for me might not work for you and what works for you might not work for me. But what if we all learn the specifics about what works for us? It would speed up our process.

Why Human Design

In 2020, I invested in a coach to learn more about myself and to help me connect better with the people around me, especially my kids. I came upon this account called "My Human Design with Jenna Zoe." I’ve been practicing human design since 2021, and so I’m sharing this tool since I have applied it for a year and a half now and it worked really well for me.

Human Design: A tool for self-discovery

As we progress in life, we forget what our unique strengths are, what our weaknesses are, and what we are good at. We get entangled with what society tells us we should be doing or have to be doing. Which is not true to who we are and which doesn't speak to our soul and we still end up going with the flow, which is not meant for us. 

Why not find the flow that's meant for us and that's meant for our children?

Here are the four aura types. Each type has a specific way of operating energetically. We all operate from the energy that we are born with, and our energy is transmitting and receiving messages through frequency at all times.

  • Generators

  • Projectors

  • Manifestors

  • Reflectors

Learn more on my socials about each unique type and the energy types.

To Take Away

Society and the conditioning and our surroundings have conditioned us to move away from our traits and our uniqueness. The same goes for our kids, it’s hard for them to become who they dream to be because of the influence of society.

Human design offers the ability for us to become more aware of how to respectfully interact with one another. The main thing in our parent-child relationship is respect and our language has become so demanding that we have lost respect.

When you learn your kids' human design type,  you will be able to, you know, effect. Communicate effectively and connect with your child, and it will speed up the process to learn more about your child. After all, you will be able to facilitate the growth environment for your children.

I tried this on my child, and I believe everyone can benefit from using it as a tool.

Links and Resources 

Find your energy type here “My Human Design” and get a free human design chart.

Special Mention: Jenna Zoe, a world-leading expert in Human Design, It’s a new system of self-discovery helping reconnect people to who they came to be.

Learn more on my socials about each unique type and the energy types.




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