How I Found Healing In A Place I Call Home

I’m back! It has been 8 weeks since I last released an episode. I recently took a 2 month break which is long overdue. This break was special, I was able to tune in with myself and my family. I wanted to rest, repair and reflect on my purpose. And that meant going back to my roots, India.

In this episode, I want to take you on a journey and my reflection after my trip to India. After 17 years I get to relive some of the moments and some of the time with the family I have left back. It was a journey of reflection and a life changing moment, and a moment of healing.

A Moment Of Healing

When I was asked by my coach how my trip was, the first thing that came out of my mouth was that it was healing. I got to see my friends and my brother after 17 years. I moved to the US to study a long time ago not knowing what the future holds for me. All I knew back then was that I wanted to chase my dreams. 

And when I got here, I felt like a part of me didn’t have closure before I left India. I didn’t get to say goodbye to everyone, and even though I come from Mumbai I didn’t get to explore its amazing places. I felt guilty and ashamed of that. Also, growing up with a strict father, I wasn’t allowed to go around Mumbai too much. I don’t blame him because back then it was unsafe to go out. 

Coming home I felt a sense of healing, a sense of security and culture after meeting my friends and spending time with them. It was a moment of relief and healing. Reliving those moments where you felt like you wanted to live, but you didn't get a chance to live, is where the healing lies, it is where the sense of freedom comes from.

Letting Go…

The 16 year old me who held a grudge to her father, to society was able to let it all go. The guilt of not being able to live the life I wanted was also let go. Coming home, I felt like my inner child was fulfilled. 

The environment plays a huge role in our life. In this situation, it played an important role in my healing. Sometimes, it's just so much better to go back to this space, because like my coach always say, the location has memory, and the energy that it holds is healing

Becoming A New Person

After my life changing trip, I feel like I have become a new person. I am free and I am ready to soar and I'm ready to thrive. I have stillness within me, a calm mind and an open heart. I think that the most important relationship I have with myself is fulfilled, healed, relieved, rejuvenated and repaired.

As a coach, I wanted to leave a legacy behind. And sometimes being a coach means being curated and perfect. The truth is I’m not perfect like everybody else. And I have learned to accept myself, the raw and authentic me. And I want to share my true self with you.

 I can't wait to share more of my views and my learnings with you and how we are going to change this whole parenting space. And we're going to focus more on us parents, because at the end of the day, I believe parenting is more about us parents, it's about me, it's about my partner, then it's about my kids. It's about who I am, who I show up as, and what I model in front of my kids.

Be the best version of yourself. It's about me versus me, not me versus anybody else.


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